SEA is proud to announce the addition of the Garmin GI 275D Electronic Flight Instrument to our Electronic Standby Instrument (ESI) Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).
SEA is pleased to announce that we have received expanded international approvals for the Garmin GI 275 Electronic Flight Instrument in Part 25 aircraft on an Approved Model List as an Electronic Standby Instrument (ESI) and as an Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI).
SEA is pleased to announce that we have received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval for the amendment to FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number ST04570CH.
This amendment now provides Honeywell SPZ 8000 Equipped Hawker 800 series aircraft the opportunity for cockpit modernization.
SEA is pleased to announce that we have received FAA approval for an expanded Aircraft Model List (AML) for our STC ST01985WI, for the installation of the Garmin® GI 275 as an electronic standby instrument.
SEA is pleased to announce the receipt of Brazil's Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC) validation for our GI 275 ESI and IVSI Part 25 Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certifications (STC).
SEA is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number ST04570CH for the installation of the Universal Insight Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS), Datacom for CPDLC and FANS 1/A,
and a standby instrument in the Hawker 800(A)(B)(XP) series aircraft.
SEA is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number ST01985WI for the installation of the Garmin GI 275.
SEA is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number ST02004WI for the installation of the Garmin GI 275.
SEA receives Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certification (STC) number SR04546AT for the installation of their SEA special mission operator station in the Bell 407 helicopter.
SEA is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number SA04529AT to install their mission console in the Cessna 206H series aircraft.
Southeast Aerospace recently announced a new update that will soon be available for the Hawker 800 and 1000 series aircraft via two new supplemental type certificates.
Southeast Aerospace has partnered with Garmin International, Inc. to develop a cost-effective solution to replace instantaneous vertical speed indicators (IVSI) and electronic standby instrument (ESI) units in Part 25 aircraft.
SEA is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number SA01055DE for the installation of their sensor mount in the Cessna 206.
Southeast Aerospace recently completed the prototype installation of a major avionics modification for a fleet program on the Douglas A-4N Skyhawk airframe.
SEA is pleased to announce that we have been contracted to provide ALE-47 CMDS dispenser mounts to Agusta Westland for their new MH-139 helicopter project.
Southeast Aerospace has received Brazilian Validation (ANAC) approval of both their ADS-B Part 25 & Part 29 Approved Model List (AML) Supplement Type Certificates (STCs).
Southeast Aerospace was selected by a prime contractor to support a Department of Defense, Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to integrate the AN/ALE-47 CMDS (Countermeasure Dispensing System) for a fleet of Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk helicopters.
Southeast Aerospace announced today that it has received Transport Canada Civil (TCCA) and
Colombia Aeronautica Civil (UAEAC) aviation approval of their ADS-B Part 25
Approved Model List (AML) Supplement Type Certificate (STC).
Southeast Aerospace, a leading Aerospace solutions company, has won an exclusive contract to provide the Department of Justice with Airborne Imaging Systems.
Southeast Aerospace, the first company to have partnered to achieve the first ADS-B STC, has announced its latest ADS-B solution for the Part 29 market.
Southeast Aerospace, a leading Aerospace solutions company, has been awarded the opportunity to provide project management and engineering support services for the U.S. Navy through a new contract vehicle, SeaPort- NxG.
Southeast Aerospace, a leader in STC certifications, announced today they have obtained an STC and China validation (VSTC) for the Cobham A300D Satcom system in a Boeing 737NG.
Southeast Aerospace (SEA) is pleased to announce that we have received DGAC Validation for our ADS-B Part 25 Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certification (STC)
Southeast Aerospace (SEA) is pleased to announce our formal selection as a BendixKing Repair Partner, designating SEA as an authorized BendixKing repair, overhaul and OEM distributer.
Southeast Aerospace is pleased to present a recently created video featuring Jason Gentry, SEA Sales Associate, discussing our innovate Part Sales website.
Southeast Aerospace recently modified a Learjet 60 to provide Wi-Fi connection and email service in the Contiguous United States (CONUS), portions of Canada, and Alaska.
Southeast Aerospace is pleased to announce our 20th anniversary at our MLB location. Although SEA has been in business since 1993, May 30th 2017 marks the beginning of a 3rd decade of
prosperity in the Melbourne Florida area.
Nathan Hernandez, Southeast Aerospace Program Manager, speaks with Aero-TV News about SEA’s recently released ADS-B AML STC for Part 25, the upcoming ADS-B mandate, market trends and much more.
Southeast Aerospace congratulates our very own Randall Pickron, Chief Inspector, for receiving the FAA Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award at the 2017 Sun ‘n Fun Expo.
Southeast Aerospace, located at the Melbourne International Airport, is excited to announce its partnership with Wisetouch Interiors to provide aircraft interior design, refurbishment,
and manufacturing for its diverse customer base.
Astronautics Corporation of America has announced Southeast Aerospace (SEA) as an official dealer of the Astronautics Flight Instrument (AFI) 4700 RoadRunner™ electronic
flight instrument (EFI).
Southeast Aerospace teamed up with Garmin International, Gables Engineering, and Peregrine Avionics to bring the most cost-effective and flexible ADS-B solution to the business aviation community.
Sandel Avionics announced the Sandel Avilon™, a King Air retrofit NextGen flightdeck during NBAA 2015. This revolutionary solution starts with a flyaway price of $175,000.
Several manufacturers continue to make strides in offering affordable digital, electronic replacements for original, traditional analog attitude indicator instruments.
ACR Electronics, Inc. has announced that the ARTEX ELT 345 (Emergency Locator Transmitter) has received its Cospas-Sarsat and FAA approvals and is now available for sale.