These S76C+ upgrades bring major improvements to situation awareness and safety through the advanced rotorcraft features of the Garmin GTN 750. The high-resolution terrain and obstacle databases show great detail and alerts for ground-based dangers at the current position and the projected future position. ADS-B Out and In simple control and display all on the GTN 750. The Honeywell SkyConnect system brings cockpit and cabin voice connectivity along with aircraft tracking capability. Easy flight plan modification on the fly, autotuned Com and Nav frequencies, and even a significant reduction in aircraft weight. These are just a few of the added benefits included in these installations.
SEA utilized STC SR03573NY from Maxcraft Avionics Ltd. For installation of the Garmin GTN 750s. SEA’s own Part 29 AML ADS-B STC SR00925DE was utilized for installation of the remote GTX 345R ADS-B transponder. FAA approved DER data was used to accomplish the SkyConnect system installation and any STC deviations.
For more information regarding SEA aircraft modification solutions please contact Luke Gomoll, luke.gomoll@seaerospace.com.
Located at Melbourne International Airport (MLB), SEA operates from five hangars that total 100,000 sq ft. Its primary business encompasses component repair, including an avionics shop, instrument shop with an ISO 8 cleanroom, an NVG lab, as well as aerospace manufacturing, engineering, aircraft retrofit, component sales and purchasing.