Avionics FAQ

FAA Order 8130.21G states that for an FAA Form 8130-3 with typographical errors on the original, the original issuer may reissue the 8130 with the corrections. The recipient must provide a written statement and a copy of the incorrect FAA Form 8130-3 to the original issuer indicating the errors. Then, the copy of the original form should be reviewed to determine if the errors are valid. If the errors are valid, a corrected form may be issued and the words "THIS FORM 8130-3 REPLACES FORM 8130-3 WITH FORM TRACKING NUMBER [insert number], DATED [enter original issuance date]" must be typed in Block 13. The replacement form must have an original signature and the date the signature was applied. The erroneous form must be marked as such. Both forms should be retained according to the retention period associated with the original form.

This only applies to blatant, obvious, and reasonable typographical errors. Valid changes do not include significant details such as date changes, complete part number or model number changes, or condition changes.