ADSB Stages
Let Southeast Aerospace help you through the Stages of ADS-B!

What is ADS-B? ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast. ADS-B basically describes how Air Traffic Control (ATC) will track and manage aircraft in a more automated system using GPS technology. ADS-B works by using satellites, aircraft GPS technology and ground stations. ADS-B locates aircraft precisely and automatically transmits the data to ATC and other aircraft with ADS-B “In” equipment.

Who & When

Do you need a transponder to fly your aircraft? If Yes, then you need ADS-B Out by 2020.

Who needs ADS-B? If you want to fly in most controlled airspace, you will need to comply with the ADS-B mandate by January 1, 2020. Simply - if you currently fly in airspace where a Mode C transponder is required, you will need ADS-B equipment onboard.

ADS-B Quote

According to the FAA, aircraft operating at or above FL180, you must be equipped with a Mode S transponder based ADS-B transmitter; however if the aircraft is operating below 18,000 feet and within U.S. airspace, you must be equipped with either a Mode S transponder with Extended Squitter (ES) or Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) equipment. These rules are listed under TSO-C166b and TSO-C154c.


How do you comply? By installing FAA approved ADS-B equipment, which usually consists of a Universal Access Transceiver (UAT), WAAS GPS, compatible transponder or some combination of these. There are many different options from many different manufacturers at different price points. But don’t panic about all the choices & regulations - SEA is an expert in ADS-B! You can count on us to keep you flying!

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