Picture of product FP5
Part #: FP-5 Package C
Model: FP5
Desc: Fuel Flow Instrument
OEM: Electronics Intl.
Part Number :

  • Programmable fuel flow/pressure instrument (available with or without fuel pressure with use of PT-100GA Pressure Transducer)
  • Displays fuel flow to .1 gal/hr, pressure to .2 PSI
  • Displays fuel used, remaining and time to empty
  • Independent warning lights for fuel level and pressure
  • Automatic reminder to update fuel level
  • Two programmable low fuel warnings
  • Programmable time to empty warning
  • Programmable low fuel pressure warning
  • Programmable high fuel pressure warning
  • Programmable display for gallons, pounds, liters, or British gallons
  • Programmable default full fuel level
  • Programmable filter for fast response time
  • All limits are set by pilot from front panel
  • LCD backlit dislay
  • Similar to FP-5L but DOES NOT include GPS/Loran features such as fuel to destination and fuel reserve
  • See Voice Annunciator AV-17 to add voice warnings to this instrument
  • NOTE: Please specify the following information when ordering this instrument: - Fuel Pressure indication desired? (Package must include PT-100GA Pressure Transducer) - Fuel Flow transducer to be used?
If aircraft has gravity feed fuel system, FT-90 Flow Transducer must be used If aircraft engine is rated less than 300 hp, FT-60 Flow Transducer must be used If aircraft engine is rated between 300 and 500 hp, FT-90 Flow Transducer must be used If aircraft engine is rated over 550 hp, FT-180 Flow Transducer and IU-1 Interface Unit must be used - FFDM-1 Fuel Flow Differential Module must be used with FP-5 package to accomodate pressure carburetor with fuel return line back to fuel tank. Not needed for fuel return lines on injected engines - IU-1 Interface Unit used to interface magnetic pickup type flow transducer to FP-5


Size: 2 1/4" Mount, 3.65" depth Weight: 28 oz. kit
Power: 7.5 to 30 volts, .3 amps Display: viewable in direct sunlight, backlit for night operation


FP-5 Package C
- Fuel Flow Instrument
Price Condition Status

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