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Part #: 453-5100

Model: G406-1




ELT (406 MHz)

Part Number :
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- G406-1
Price Condition Status
- ELT (406 MHz)
Price Condition Status

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Long messaging transmits longtitude and latitude.  Short messaging does not.

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

The only indication that new ACR/Artex ELTs have the upgraded G-switch as detailed in SB1000 is the "UPGRADED G-SWITCH" box on the identification plate.  Please see image for reference.


Most commonly utilized by fleet operators, the DGL-1 programming dongle allows an ELT to be transferred between aircraft without having to reprogram or re-register. The Artex DGL-1 is mounted on the ELT cover (see picture). The DGL-1 is not a memory device that stores multiple ELT coding formats. Instead, the aircraft 24 bit address is coded into the dongle by setting a series of small dip switches. The switches are accessed by removing 4 screws that attach the dongle to the ELT top cover. Inside the dongle, there are two rows of 12 switches (see picture). These 24 switches are used to set the aircraft's 24 bit address by way of binary 1s and 0s. 1s are electrical ground, 0s are electrically open.

A few other notes regarding the DGL-1:
  • The connector between the DGL-1 and ELT is only compatible with the C406 and G406 series ELTs.
  • The DGL-1 switches do not have to be set by an approved Artex programming facility.
  • The 24 bit address programmed via the DGL-1 switches overwrites any other programming on an ELT once it is powered on.
Programmed aircraft information is essential for search & rescue, should the ELT be activated. When activated, the ELT will transmit your identifier.

An Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) should be programmed with either the aircraft tail #, a serial #, or the aircraft operator designator. The aircraft information programmed is determined by your country's requirements. The information is sent to the government agency responsible for keeping the database of the country in which your aircraft is registered.

The ID is linked to your SAR database, containing valuable aircraft information: Type of Aircraft, Address of Owner, Telephone # of Owner, Aircraft Registration #, and Alternate Emergency Contact, etc.

Keeping this information up to date & accurate is a major concern of the Search & Rescue Centers. Without accurate information, valuable time may be lost in attempting to locate the owner of the aircraft.

Your ELT can easily be programmed by a certified repair station, such as Southeast Aerospace.

Contact Southeast Aerospace today for more information on ELT programming.
The 366 at the end of any Artex 406MHz ELT simply indicates that the unit is programmed for the USA serialized long message format. All Artex 406 ELTs (C406 and G406 series) except for the ME406 are shipped from Artex with the 366 programming unless you specify otherwise. For international applications, once the ELT is reprogrammed, the unit dataplate and box label is updated with the new programming information. An updated FAA Form 8130 is issued at this time as well.

Therefore, if you are searching for an Artex 406 ELT ending in the -366 such as 455-5015-[366], then you can use the base number (ex. 455-5015) in most cases.
Even though the battery pack expires 5 years from the date the ELT is shipped from Artex, there are other factors that take priority. The Artex manual states that the battery pack must be replaced with a new battery pack in the following situations:
  • After use in an emergency
  • After an inadvertent activation of unknown duration
  • When the total of all known transmission exceed 1 hour
  • On or before the battery replacement data as indicated on the battery label

If any of these conditions are met, the battery must be replaced.

Artex batteries contain a microchip that records total activation time and number of activation times. The ELT tester will show this information when the unit is tested.