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Part #: 066-01066-0025

Model: KDM-706A


Ontic Engineering



Part Number :



Part Number: Description:
 066-01066-0025 DME Transceiver




- DME Transceiver
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In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

Yes. There are several installation and wiring considerations that need to be addressed when changing KDM-706A units in existing installations. KDM-706A units with P/N 066-1066-20 and -22 did not originally have Mod 4 installed in original production. Mod 4 addresses the addition of a DME track flag output that is used This output is required to complete a compatible interface to some navigation systems such as the older KNS-660 and Litton 3000 as well as Sperry RD-650 HSIs. In order for a unit with Mod 4 to function properly in place of an existing KDM-706A without Mod 4, you must rewire part of the harness to prevent damage to the unit. Connector P7063 must be removed from ground potential (i.e. -20/22, non Mod 4 units) and rewired. Pin 19 of P7063 was used for aircraft ground on -20/22, non Mod 4 units. For units with Mod 4 and -23/24/25, Pin 19 is now used to provide +28VDC at 150ma drive capability for the purpose of operating a DME track valid flag. This can be achieved by connecting Pin 19 to Pin 36. Therefore, in order for units with Mod 4 as well as -24/25 units to function in place of -20/22/non Mod 4 units, you must remove pin 19 from the mating connector harness and connect it to 36 or splice into the wire going to Pin 36. For complete detailed information, reference Bendix/King Installation Bulletin # 245 and Bendix/King Service Bulletin P/N 600-04374-0040.
None, they represent the same unit. Original King Radio part numbers were 9 digits. For example, 066-3056-01. During the Bendix and King merger (i.e. Bendix/King), a new part numbering system was created that converted these 9 digit part numbers to 12 digits. Therefore, 066-3056-01 became 066-03056-0001. Despite this numbering change, units that were originally from the King Radio design still have the 9 digit part number format on the unit dataplate. The 12 digit format for King units appears to be used for catalog and internal Honeywell purposes only. Therefore, any unit that has a zero in its third to last number (i.e. XXX-XXXX-X0XX) has a 9 digit part number (i.e. XXX-XXXX-XXX) on its dataplate / ID Plate.
In January 1989 Bendix/King changed from a nine digit to a twelve digit part numbering system. The new, larger 12 digit numbers allowed for the inclusion of software version into the last two digits of the part number for certain units in which software changed frequently such as EFIS and TCAS processors. Therefore, the two digits immediately preceding the software version indicate the hardware version of the unit.

Different software versions imply different operational features and/or interface capabilities and software modifications imply software repairs (bug fixes) to insure proper operation of these features and interfaces. Software version upgrades frequently require hardware modifications to the unit. Such hardware modifications accompanying software version upgrades do not necessarily change the hardware version of the unit.