Picture of product A100A
Model: A100A
Desc: CVR
OEM: L3Harris
Sched-B: 8543909000
Cage Code: 06141
Part Number :
L3Harris Logo

  • Cockpit Voice Recorder unit with attached Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) and ULB mount
  • Inverter installed for 28 Vdc operation
  • Used with A151/B controls without internal microphone or A152/B controls with internal microphone
  • Records all voice signals transmitted or received by aircraft crew members for a maximum period of 30 minutes
  • Complete internal circuit for bulk erase
  • 4 track (in line) playback
  • Housed in international orange, one-half ATR short equipment case
  • Explosion proof
  • All test controlled from Control Unit TEST button
  • Complete system includes CVR unit, A151 or A152 series control, A55 series microphone (if A151 series control used), Inertia G-switch, summing audio adapters, install kits (see A100 system prices for more information)
  • Installation kit includes mounting racks, shock mounts (if applicable), and mating connectors
  • Engineered harness kits with installation drawings suited for specific aircraft available at additional price



Recording Duration: 30 minutes minimum Head Assembly: Precision aligned- 3 heads
Size: 1/2 short ATR; 4.875"W x 12.563"L x 7.625"H Weight: 23.9 lbs.
Power: 28 Vdc, 21 watts max. normal operation with inverter Transport Drive: Direct- no clutches
Tape Speed: Standard NARTB: 1.875 i.p.s. Channels: 4 in-line-coincident recording
Bulk Erase: Fail safe, double electrical interlock; total erase excess of 35 dB Operational Testing: Automatic 4 channel sequential
Monitor System: Composite 4 channel playback Monitor Output: Headphone jack, 600 ohms, 10 mW
Flutter: 1.5% rms (max) Audio Input Impedance: 5000 ohms each channel


Part Number: Description:
93a100-80 CVR
93a100-83 CVR



NSN: 5835-01-282-3224

Price Condition Status

NSN: 5835-01-296-8146

Price Condition Status

Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact questions@seaerospace.com

L3 no longer provides repair service or parts support for mechanical CVRs and FDRs. This is detailed in L3 Service Information Letter L3AP-007.

Please contact Southeast Aerospace for questions or further details.

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

The FA2100 CVR part numbers 2100-1020-00 and 2100-1020-02 are direct replacements for the A100, A100A (PN 93A100-80, 93A100-83) and A100S (PN S100-0080-00, S100-0080-01) recorders.  No change in aircraft wiring or CVR mounting trays is necessary.  Please reference this L3 Communications document - click Here

The omnidirectional impact switch model 3RO-434 is recommended. This switch can sense g forces in any direction.
The Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) is usually the only part that requires any type of periodic maintenance for most Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) and Flight Data Recorders (FDR). This maintenance includes cleaning and testing the ULB every 2 years and replacing the battery every 6 years. It should be noted that some aircraft maintenance programs may include testing and/or bench testing of CVRs or FDRs as part of the aircraft maintenance program.