Picture of product Skywatch HP
Model: Skywatch HP
Desc: Traffic Advisory Sys w/ Display
OEM: L3Harris
Part Number :



  • Extends the capabilities of Skywatch with greater display and surveillance range, increased closure rates and EFIS interface compatibility
  • Indicates where to look for nearby transponder-equipped aircraft that may pose a collision threat
  • Active Surveillance System
  • Features 35-mile surveillance range and display range depending on display option
  • Tracks up to 35 intruder aircraft simultaneously
  • Can be certified as a TAS or TCAS I depending on display and antenna configuration
  • Generates both aural & visual traffic advisories
  • Selectable 2 & 6 nautical mile horizontal display ranges
  • +/- 10,000 ft. relative altitude tracking range
  • "Look Up/Look Down" altitude display modes to simplify intruder identification
  • System software updates using a compact flashcard
  • Can toggle between lightning information and traffic information when connected to a Stormscope WX-1000 series processor
  • Automatically shifts to SKYWATCH view from Stormscope view when Traffic Advisories are issued
  • Compatible with most EFIS displays and latest MFDs
  • System consists of Transmitter Receiver Computer, optional 3 - ATI - size display, and directional antenna
  • One antenna system allows for easy installation
  • Display available in black or gray bezel (see table below)
  • Uses TCAS-like symbology; Traffic Advisory - solid circle, Other Traffic = open diamond, and text
  • Similar to Skywatch but tracks 35 not 30 aircraft and has 30 nmi not 16 tracking range
  • 5 YEAR WARRANTY on new systems Additional Skywatch Information Resources: Skywatch Commercial Brochure Skywatch Comparison Brochure Skywatch Military Brochure Skywatch Pilot's Guide

Please visit the Installation Section of our site to see Skywatch HP installations recently completed by Southeast Aerospace Please complete our Install Quote Request Form (Install RFQ) for installation cost of this item in your aircraft


Part Number: Description:
SKY899 TAS Traffic Advisory Sys w/ Display    
SKY899 TAS (D) Traffic Advisory Sys w/ Display    
SKY899 TCAS I Traffic Advisory Sys w/ Display    
SKY899 TCAS I (D) Traffic Advisory Sys w/ Display    



Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact questions@seaerospace.com

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

Yes. Depending on the indicator configuration utilized, the Skywatch HP System can be certified for TCAS I operation. Sextant IVSIs, Collins EFIS systems (provided that EFIS has traffic software in the processor unit) can display the traffic information from the Skywatch HP for TCAS I approval. Proline IV and Proline 21 MFDs are approved interfaces as well. Various radars, with the use of the Goodrich RGC-250 radar graphics computer, can display this traffic information as well. These MFDs in include the Avidyne Flightmax, Honeywell KMD-550/850, UPS Aviation MX20 and the Goodrich i-Link MFD. Garmin series units such as the GNS-430 and GNS-530 GPS/Nav/Comms are approved for traffic advisory TSO C147 but not for TCAS I TSO C118.
Yes, the KMD-250, KMD-550, and KMD-850 Multi Function Displays will all display traffic information from a Skywatch (TRC497) or Skywatch HP (TRC899) processor. However, the Skywatch processors do not accept ARINC 429 control from the KMD units for Test (TST), Standy (SBY), and ON controls. The TRAFFIC CONTROL on the Traffic Setup Page of the KMD MFD must be set to DISABLED. In addition, the installer must provide two push buttons to control the operating mode of the Skywatch processor unit. These buttons provide a momentary connection to aircraft ground when pressed and should be labeled as indicated.
No. The mounting rack and connector for the system processors (TRC899 and TRC497) are the same. In addition, both systems utilize the same NY-156 antenna (non TCAS I). However, the wiring of the connector for each processor is different. Therefore, upgrading the SKY497 (Skywatch) to SKY899 (Skywatch HP) would be a wiring change only.
No, an STC is not required for TAS (Traffic Awareness) and/or TCAS I installations on Part 91 and Part 135 aircraft. FAA order 8900.1 provides guidance for a follow on field approval by the FAA. An FAA approved Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement is required as well.

The Skywatch 497 and Skywatch 899 (HP) are compatible with multiple indicators and displays. The original display interface was the WX-1000 Stormscope display Part Numbers 78-8060-5900-8 and 78-8060-5900-9. A toggle switch was installed between the Stormscope and Skywatch to switch the display between the 2 systems. The Skywatch system can also be interfaced to some weather radar indicators using L3's RGC250/350 series radar graphics computer. The current, most common display option is to interface the Skywatch to modern Multi-Function Displays (MFD) which accept standard traffic information. Some integrated nav/comm systems such as the Garmin GNS430/530 series systems are cabable of displaying traffic information as well.

In order for the Skywatch / Skywatch HP NY-156 or NY-164 antenna to fit on specific airframes, an adapter plate may be required. Specific part number installation kits with the necessary adapter plates are available. Please refer to the following chart for aircraft applications and kit part numbers.

See chart below or view in PDF format: NY-156 Antenna Airframe Installation Kits (PDF)