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Picture of product RNZ-851A

Part #:

Model: RNZ-851A




Integrated Nav Unit

Part Number :

  • Integrated Navigation Unit
  • Part of the Primus II SRZ--85X Integrated Radio System
  • Contains the VOR, localizer and glideslope
  • Each module is self--contained within its own housing and connects to the cluster module through ribbon cable

A typical RNZ--85X Integrated Navigation Unit contains the modules that follow:

  • NV-850 NAV Receiver Module
  • DF-850 ADF Receiver Module
  • XN-850 NAV Cluster Module (RSB and Digitized Audio Interface)


Dimensions: 14.01" L x 8.90" W x 3.38" H Weight: 10.8 lbs
Power Requirements: 28 V dc, 42 Watts (nominal) TSO: C34d, C35d, C36d, C40b, C41d
Environmental: DO--160B Environmental Category /A2E1/B/JLMY/E1XXXXXZ/BZ/AZZ Operation Temperature: -55 to +70 degrees C
Altitude: 70,000 feet Decompression: 8,000 to 70,000 feet
Overpressure: -15,000 feet Vibration JLMY: Category J - Fuselage mount, fixed wing--turbojet, subsonic, and supersonic Category L - Fuselage mount, fixed wing--reciprocating and turbopropeller, multi--engine over 12,500 pounds Category M - Fuselage mount, fixed wing--reciprocating and turbopropeller, multi and single engine less than 12,500 pounds Category Y - Fuselage mount, helicopter, reciprocating, and turbojet engine
Mounting: P/N 7510124-910 (1/2" mounting screws) or 7510124-911 (3/4" mounting screws) Tuning and Data Bus  Radio System Bus (RSB)
Digital Audio Output Buses: 2    


Power Requirements: 28 V dc, 17 Watts nominal VOR Specifications: Frequency Range - 108.00 to 117.95 MHz Channel Spacing - 50 kHz Frequency Stability - 0.0025% VOR Bearing Accuracy (Digital) - ±0.75 degree Sensitivity (Aural) - Minimum: -100 dBm for 10 dB (S + N) / N  / Typical: -103 dBm for 10 dB (S + N) / N Sensitivity (Flag) - Minimum: -105 dBm for valid flag / Typical: -107 dBm for valid flag Selectivity - 6 dB at ± 15 kHz Minimum / 60 dB at ± 41 kHz Maximum Spurious Response - -80 dB Audio Output - 100 mW into 600 ohms
Localizer Specifications: Frequency Range - 108.10 to 111.95 MHz Channel Spacing - 50 kHz Deviation Centering - ± 0.0026 ddm Polarity - Positive ddm for 90 Hz > 150 Hz (Aircraft left of LOC Course) Sensitivity (Aural) - Minimum: -100 dBm for 10 dB (S + N) / N  / Typical: -103 dBm for 10 dB (S + N) / N Sensitivity (Flag) - Minimum: --105 dBm for valid flag / Typical: -107 dBm for valid flag Selectivity - 6 dB at ± 15 kHz minimum, 60 dB at ± 41 kHz maximum Spurious Response - -80 dB Audio Output - 100 MW into 600 ohms minimum Glideslope Specifications: Frequency Range - 329.15 to 335.00 MHz Channel Spacing - 150 kHz Deviation Centering - ±0.0058 ddm Polarity - Negative ddm for 90 Hz > 150 Hz (Aircraft above GS Course) Sensitivity (Flag) - Minimum: -99 dBm for valid flag / Typical: -102 dBm for valid flag Selectivity - 6 dB at ± 25.5 kHz minimum / 60 dB at ± 120 kHz maximum Spurious Response - -60 dB
Marker Beacon Specifications: Frequency - 75.0 MHz Sensitivity - Two preset levels adjustable between -61 dBm and -34 dBm. Normal factory settings are -61 dBm ± 6 dB for High Sense Mode and -47 dBm ± 6 dB for Lo Sense Mode Selectivity - 6 dB at ± 13 kHz minimum / 60 dB at ± 100 kHz maximum AGC Characteristics - Less than 9 dB variation in audio output level as RF input is varied from lamp threshold to -13 dBm  Interfaces: NAV Data Output - RS-422 (GAMA CSDB 523--0772774), address 20, 21, 22 ILS Mode - Sinks up to 100 mA maximum with less than +3.0 V output level; +80 V dc maximum level VOR/LOC Audio - 100 mW minimum with -53 dBm RF input 30% modulated by 1000 Hz into a 600-ohm load impedance RNAV Video Signal - Accuracy is ±0.5 degree; nominally 0.5 Vrms of 9960 Hz and 30 Hz with -53 dBm RF input. The output has a -5 V dc offset (RNZ-850 units) or, +5 V dc offset (RNZ--851 units). The output impedance is 1k ohms


Power Requirements: 28 V dc, 13 VA nominal Operating Modes: ANT - ADF receives only, does not compute bearing ADF - ADF receives signal and computes relative bearing to station BFO - ADF adds a Beat Frequency oscillator for reception of CW signals VOICE - ADF receives only, does not compute bearing, and opens IF bandwidth for improved audio fidelity
Types of Reception: CW, AM Frequency Range: 100.0 to 1799.5 kHz in 0.5 kHz increments, and 2181 to 2183 kHz strap option selectable marine band emergency frequency.
Intermediate Frequencies: First IF - 10.7 MHz Second IF - 4.3 MHz Bandwidth: ANT, ADF, and BFO Modes - Not more than 2.8 kHz at 6 dB / Not more than 10 kHz at 80 dB Voice Mode - Not less than 8.0 kHz at 3 dB / Not more than 26 kHz at 40 dB
Sensitivity: ANT Mode - Better than 50 mV/m for 6 dB S + N/N for 400 Hz, 30% modulation ADF Mode - Better than 100 mV/m for 6 dB S + N/N for 400 Hz, 30% modulation BFO Mode - Better than 70 mV/m for 6 dB S + N/N Spurious Response: At least 80 dB below desired response at all frequencies
AGC Characteristics: Less than 3 dB audio variation for 100 mV/m to 0.2 V/m RF input signal  Relative Bearing Outputs: Serial Digital: Type - RS-422 Output (GAMA CSDB 523--0772774), address 2B, 2C Accuracy - ±3 degrees Label - 2B Format - 12-bit, 2s complement binary (±180°) Resolution - Less than 0.1 degree Speed - 12.5 kilobits/second (Lo Speed) ADF Bearing Speed - Not more than 7 seconds for 175 degrees rotation with 100 uV/m input


Part Number: Description:
7510100-812 -922 without analog outputs (--811 without DME), Integrated Nav Unit
7510100-832 -812 with VOR/ILS FM immunity improvements, Integrated Nav Unit
7510100-612 -812 with improved ILS approach, Integrated Nav Unit
7510100-632 -832 with improved ILS approach, Integrated Nav Unit


28 V dc, 42 Watts (nominal)
C34d, C35d, C36d, C40b, C41d
- Navigation Unit
Price Condition Status
- Integrated Nav Unit
Price Condition Status

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