Picture of product GNS-530A
Model: GNS-530A
Desc: GPS/Nav/Comm
OEM: Garmin
Sched-B: 8526910010
Part Number :



GNS 530A


  • IFR GPS, 16 watt com, VOR, LOC and glideslope with color moving map in one unit
  • TSO'd VHF Comm offers choice of 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz spacing
  • Jeppesen database (front-loading data card) contains all airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, FSS, Approach, SIDs/STARs, and SUA information
  • 5" color display
  • Offers enhanced situational awareness with relation to cities, highways, railroads, rivers, lakes and coastlines
  • Use of color separates land data, terminal areas, route, and approach information for easy pilot scanning
  • Able to interface with WX-500 stormscope for storm information
  • Interfaces to Ryan 9900B / 9900BX TCAD and Goodrich Skywatch to display traffic information
  • Scheduled to include Terrain Awareness information
  • XM WX satellite weather service via GDL 69 available in 2005
  • Non-TAWS terrain advisory feature available 2004/2005
  • WAAS upgrade available via software/hardware upgrade 2004/2005
  • Class B TAWS upgrade available- July 2004) - see Preliminary Drawing
**Click Here to download the GNS-530 Quick Reference Guide **Click Here to download the GNS-530 Pilots Guide

Jeppesen Database

Coverage: Americas, International, or Worldwide

Airports: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, elevation, fuel service, control, approach information

VORs: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, frequency, co-located DME/TACAN, magnetic variation, weather broadcast indication

NDBs: Identifier, city/state, country, facility name, lat/lon, frequency, weather broadcast indication

Intersections: Identifier, country, lat/lon, nearest VOR

Frequencies: Approach, arrival, control area, departure, Class B, Class C, TMA, TRSA (with sector, altitude, and text usage), ASOS, ATIS, AWOS, center clearance delivery, tower, ground, unicom, pre-taxi, localizer, and ILS

Runways: Designation, length, width, surface, lighting, pilot-controlled lighting frequency

FSS: Identifier, reference VOR, frequency, usage

ARTCC: Identifier, frequency, usage

MSA: Minimum safe altitude along and in proximity to active flight plan

Approaches: Non-precision and precision approaches throughout the database coverage

SIDs/STARs: Contains all pilot/nav SIDs/STARs

Airspaces: Class B & C with sectors, International CTA & TMA with sectors, all SUAs, including MOAs, prohibited and restricted areas with controlling agency and airport

Safety Features

Emergency Search: 9 nearest airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections, or user waypoints; 2 nearest FSS and ARTCC frequencies

Alarms: Arrival and CDI, timers, SUAs less than 10 min, 2NM and inside SUA

User Customization

Waypoints: 1,000 User Defined

Flight Plans: 20 reversible routes of up to 31 waypoints each


GPS: TSO C129a, Class A1 (en route, terminal, and approach)



GS: TSO C34e

VHF COM: TSO C37d, Class 4 and 6 (transmit) and TSO C38d, Class C and E (receiver)

GPS Performance:

  • Position: 15 meters (49 feet) RMS*, 1-5 meters with differential corrections
  • Velocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady state
  • Velocity: 999 knots
  • Acceleration: 6g's

Receiver: twelve parallel channel receiver simultaneously tracks and uses up to 12 satellites

Acquisition Time: 12 seconds (warm), 45 seconds (cold)

Update Rate: Once per second, continuous



Nav Features: Pilot-defined Course Selection and Waypoint Hold, Closest Point of Approach, Departure and Arrival Frequencies, Approach Navigation using published approach procedures stored on NavData card, Terminal Navigation using SIDs/STARs from NavData card

Planning Features: True Airspeed, Density Altitude, Winds Aloft, RAIM Availability, Sunrise/Sunset Times, Trip and Fuel Planning, Vertical Navigation (VNAV)

Interfaces: ARINC 429, Aviation RS-232, CDI/HSI, RMI (digital: clock/data); Superflag Out, Altitude (serial: Icarus, Shadin-Rosetta, encoded Gillham/Greycode), Fuel Sensor, Fuel/Air Data

Map Datums: 124 and 1 user-defined

VOR Performance

Frequency Range: 108.00 MHz to 117.95 MHz

VOR/LOC Composite: 0.50Vrms/0.35Vrms

CDI Output: plus or minus 150mV Full Scale

Centering Accuracy: plus or minus 2.0 degrees

Flag Sensitivity: -103.5 dBm

DME Channeling: 2x5 available, Slip Code, BCD, King Serial

Audio Sensitivity -103.5 dBm for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz 30% mod.

Audio Output: 100 mW (minimum) into 500 ohm load; External amplifier required

GS Performance

Frequency Range: 329.15 MHz to 335.00 MHz

CDI Output: plus or minus 150mV Full Scale

Centering Accuracy: 0 ddm plus or minus .0091 ddm

LOC Performance

Frequency Range: 108.10 MHz to 111.95 MHz

CDI Output: plus or minus 150mV Full Scale


Flag Sensitivity: -103.5 dBm

Audio Sensitivity: -103.5 dBm for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz 30% mod.

Audio Output: 100 mW (minimum) into 500 ohm load; External speaker amplifier required

VHF COM Performance

Frequency Display: Upper-left corner of active matrix LCD, 2-lines with active frequency above standby

Channels: 760 (25 kHz spacing); configuration for 3040 channels (8.33 kHz spacing) also provided

Frequency Range: 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz

Transmit Power: 10 watts (minimum)

Modulation: 70% (minimum)

Receive Sensitivity: 2.0 microvolts (hard) for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz 30% mod.

Squelch Sensitivity: 2.0 microvolts (hard) typical

Audio Output: 100 mW (minimum) into a 500 ohm load; External speaker amplifier required


GPS: TSO C129a A1



GS: TSO C34e

VHF COM: TSO C37d, Class 4 and 6 (transmit) and TSO C38d, Class C and E (receive)

Physical Specifications

Unit Size: Width = 6.25"; Height = 4.30"; Depth = 11.00" behind panel, with connectors

Unit Weight: 7.0 pounds installed

Display: Color LCD

Power: 14/28 VDC

Data Storage: Separate internal battery protects stored data for up to five years


Temperature: -20°C to +55°C (operating range); -20°C to +70°C (short-term operation)

Humidity: 95% non-condensing

Altitude Range: -1,500 ft to 50,000 ft

Part Number:  Description:
010-00285-01 GPS/Nav/Comm, black face
010-00285-11 GPS/Nav/Comm, gray face


- GPS/Nav/Comm
Price Condition Status
- GPS/Nav/Comm (Black, 28V, 16W Comm)
Price Condition Status
- GPS/Nav/Comm/TAWS (High Power)
Price Condition Status
- GPS/Nav/Comm/TAWS (High Power)
Price Condition Status

Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact questions@seaerospace.com

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

No. Currently, the GNS-530 does not support an interface for analog or digital weather radar display. Since the GNS-530 is intended to be a multifunction display containing such information as GPS, Nav, Ryan TCAD, and Echoflight , the potential is present. Although the possibility has been addressed by Garmin, they have not released any projected date or timeframe for this interface.
According to the Installation Manual, the following indicators are compatible with main switchable VOR/ILS/GPS Indicator output (Connector P4001) for the Garmin GNS-430 and GNS-530 GPS/Nav/Comms. GI-102 (no longer available), Garmin GI-102A, GI-106 (no longer available), GI-106A, S-Tec ST-180 HSI, King KI-202, KI-206, KI-208A, KI-209A, KI-525A, KPI-552, KPI-552B, KPI-553, KPI-553A, KPI-553B, Collins 331A-3G HSI, 331A-9G HSI, 331A-6P HSI, Bendix IN-831A, Century NSD-360, NSD-360A , NSD-1000 HSI, Sperry/Honeywell RD-550A, 650 HSI. The following indicators are compatible as well but not mentioned in the installation manual: King KNI-520, Collins/STec IND-350, IND-350A, IND-351, IND-351A, 331H-3G Basically, a non-converter type indicator is required for the VOR/ILS/GPS Indicator interface to the GNS-430/530 Note: The following indicators may be interfaced to the secondary VOR/ILS output of the GNS-430/530 (Connector P4006). This output only provides VOR/ILS information on the indicator not GPS deviation information. King KI-203, KI-204, KI-208 KI-209
Software Version 1.6 is required on the processor of the Goodrich Skywatch System to interface and display traffic information on the Garmin GNS-430 and GNS-530 GPS/Nav/Comms.
As a dealer for an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), it is required to commit to a dealership agreement. Garmin's dealer agreement states that certain TSO'd products must be installed by the dealer for the factory warranty to be valid. There are generally 2 reasons for this policy. First, the OEM wants to minimize their liability risk by assuring their equipment is installed by factory trained and knowledgeable technicians. Second, Garmin wishes to maintain their products integrity by making sure the product is installed and operating properly so the customer is satisfied with the performance. Avionics installations and interfacing can sometimes be very complex. It is very important that pilots, aircraft owners and operators ensure installations are performed by skilled, experienced technical personnel to provide the safest flying environment and experience.
There are quite a few changes and issues that need to be addressed in reference to upgrading/modifying a GNS-400/500 series unit to include WAAS capability. It is strongly suggested that you go through an authorized Garmin dealer who has performed this modification/upgrade previously.

There are several installation and certification issues including review of the STC approval from Garmin. This STC includes appendices detailing the approved equipment that can be interfaced to the WAAS capable units as well as approved installation diagrams for these interfaces.

The upgrade from Garmin includes the necessary updating of the unit, WAAS antenna, and new IFR-W Jeppesen database. The existing GPS antenna is replaced with the WAAS antenna. This WAAS antenna utilizes the same mounting holes however it should be noted that it is physically larger than the original GA-56 GPS antenna that was included with all GNS-400/500 series units. Also, in regards to the antenna installation, RG-142B or RG-400 coaxial cable must be used.

The 400/500W units with WAAS capability offer many new features and enhancements over the classic models. Some enhancements include WAAS enable GPS antenna, receiver, and software. The 400W/500W series units comply with WAAS TSO C146a and include hardware upgrades with a faster micro-processor. A terrain database for terrain awareness is included a standard feature. Most importantly, the WAAS GPS receiver allows pilots to use the GNS-400W/500W units for primary navigation and vertical guidance for LPV, L/VNAV, and LNAV+V approaches.

For a complete summary of the feature changes and enhancements, click Here.
The hardware and software upgrade for WAAS to the classic GNS-400/500 series navigators adds FAA TSO C146a Gamma-3 certification. This upgrade and certification enables pilots to fly Lateral-Precision with Vertical guidance approaches and receive GPS navigation via the Wide Area Augmentation System.
Yes, some are noticeable and some are minor. The WAAS upgrade to the GNS-400/500 series units WAAS upgrade includes a faster 5Htz update rate on the GPS signal. Therefore, the GPS receiver in the unit is extracting GPS information 5 times per second instead of 1 time per second as with original units.

If the terrain advisory feature is installed on the 400/500 series unit, then the terrain information will have a higher resolution.

When the GDL69 datalink is interfaced to the WAAS upgraded units, the weather will cover the entire USA instead of just 250 miles. METARS are included in the waypoint section making it easier to see weather information for a particular destination. Installations using the GDL69A with music will now be able to view the title and artist name on the GNS display.

Lastly, the WAAS upgrade provides the ability to fly curved flight paths with a roll steering autopilot for pilots who wish to utilize DME arcs or full approaches.

The WAAS upgrade for the GNS-400/500 series units is not a 'plug and play' upgrade. There are several installation, certification, and operational subjects that must be adhered to before a proper WAAS upgrade can be completed.

For aircraft with dual GNS-400/500 series units, both units must be upgraded for the crossfill function to operate. A WAAS upgraded 400/500 series unit will not crossfill to a non-WAAS 400/500 series unit.

One subject that many people upgrading to WAAS may overlook involves the GPS navigators distance from the pilot's primary field of view. The original GNS-400/500 series installation guidelines only provided general suggested guidelines for the distance of the unit from the pilot's primary view. Page 2- of the WAAS GNS-400/500 installation instructions is very specific in regards to the suggested guidelines for this distance. The left edge of the GNS unit should be no more than 11.8 inches from the centerline of the pilot's field of view. The 500 series units allow 12.1 inches. Vertically, the top of the GNS unit cannot be lower than the bottom edge of the primary flight instruments. If these measurements are exceeded then an additional annunciator may need to be installed near the pilot's primary field of view.

There are several wiring changes that need to be made to make the Bendix King KAP-140 / KFC-225 autopilots and original Sandel SN3308 EHSI completely compatible with the WAAS upgraded units. Certain features regarding proper navigation deviation will not function properly unless wiring changes are made in the aircraft. In addition, aircraft with more recent glass cockpit technology (e.g. EX5000 and G1000) have not been completely addressed for the WAAS upgrades.

In order to ensure that you receive the most accurate and realistic quotation for this WAAS upgrade, we strongly suggest that you contact our Installation Department for further assistance.

For handheld GPS receivers, database updates can be ordered and downloaded directly through Garmin's Internet site.

For panel mount GPS receivers, all database cards and computer downloads (if applicable) must be ordered through Jeppesen. Contact Jeppesen at www.jeppesen.com for more information.

Yes, the Garmin GNS400/500 systems meet RNP5 airspace (BRNAV) requirements of AC 90-96 and in accordance with AC 20-138, and JAA AMJ 20X2 Leaflet 2 Revision 1, provided it is receiving usable navigation information from the GPS receiver.
The Garmin GNS400/500 series units require setup and configuration before proper function and use. The system does not utilize a configuration module to allow easy removal and replacement of units while retaining the programmed configuration information. Therefore, if you are exchanging units in an aircraft, then you must have record of the configuration parameters to reprogram into the replacement unit.
Newly Overhauled parts obtained from Garmin are designated with an N in their part number. This usually follows the 010- in the part number. As with most Garmin 010 part numbers, the N part numbers are for ordering purposes only and do not actually appear on the dataplate of the unit.
No, Garmin does not offer an upgrade to incorporate the 16 watt comm. (i.e. "A" version) into the GNS-430/530 and GNS-430W/530W units.