Picture of product RT-1300/ARC-186(V)
Part #: 622-4038-001
Model: RT-1300/ARC-186(V)
Desc: VHF Comm
OEM: Collins Aerospace
NSN: 5821-01-062-1019
Sched-B: 8517620050
ECCN: 3A611.a
Cage Code: 13499
Part Number :

  • The Collins AN/ARC-186(V) family of VHF transceiver is the military's high production multiband airborne radio
  • Provides dual band vhf operational capability in a substaintially smaller and lighter package
  • Automatic direction find
  • FM homing with optional module
  • 2,320 channel VHF/FM, 25 kHz spacing
  • 1,760 channel VHF/FM, 25 kHz spacing
  • 20 preset channels, nonvitatile electronic memory
  • secure voice compatible, both band
  • Retransmission Capability
  • Selectable wide-band or narrow-band operation
  • Climax-compatible squelch
  • VOR voice reception 108 to 116 MHz
  • Tone transmit capability
  • Dual or single antenna connection
  • Enhanced electrostatic interface protection
Weight: 7.0 lbs. (3.18 kgs.) Dimensions: Depth 241.3 mm (9.5 in), Width 127.0 mm (5.75 in), Height 120.625 mm (4.75 in)
Channel spacing: 25 kHz, all bands Temperature: -54° to +71°C (Operating)
emergency preset: 20 Channels, AM and or FM service Shock: 15 g (Operating)
Frequency Range: 30 to 87.975 MHz FM, 108 to 115.975 MHz (receive only), 116 to 151.975 MHz AM Frequency stability: ±2 kHz of select center frequency
synthesizer Channel switching: 10 millisecond, max vibration: Random 0.04 g2/Hz performance; 0.24 g2/Hz endurance
receiver audio output: 200 mW into 150 or 600 ohms, Volume control variable from 0 to 37 ±3 dB EMI: MIL-STD-461A, Notice 3
crash saftey shock: 30 g test method: MIL-STD-810C
INPUT POWER: 27.5 VDC, MIL-STD-704B ENVIRONMENTAL: MIL-E-5400, Class 1 (modified to +71°C)
SELECTIVITY: Narrow band 19 kHz,  Wide band 36 kHz (6-dB point) CARRIER POWER: 10 watts min (AM and FM), 16 watts max (FM) (into 52 Ohms)
Part Number:  Description:
622-4038-001 RT-1300/ARC-156(V) VHF Comm  


Serial # 10767
Condition SV
Tag Date 10/23/18
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Warranty 6 Months
Serial # 14297
Condition SV
Tag Date 10/23/18
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Warranty 6 Months
Serial # 7653
Condition SV
Mods none
Tag Date 10/23/18
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Warranty 6 Months
Serial # 8974
Condition SV
Mods none
Tag Date 10/23/18
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Warranty 6 Months

NSN: 5821-01-062-1019

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