Picture of product CP-469
Part #: 071-01439-5100
Model: CP-469
Desc: EFIS Control Panel
OEM: BendixKing
Sched-B: 8537109060
ECCN: 7A994
Part Number :

  • The EFS 40/EFS 50 is an Electronic Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS) that uses cathode ray
  • Tubes (CRT’s) to display required flight information
  • Presentation of attitude, navigation, heading and radar Information on EHSI and EADI CRT displays as applicable
  • Display of flight director mode annunciations
  • Display of radio altimeter (RA) and decision height (DH) information
  • Presentation of the glideslope (GS) and Information on a black background for greater contrast and readability
  • 85° sector and 360° EHSI formats that can display weather and NAV map data using up to two navigation sources and distance information from up to three sources
  • The ability to declutter displays for efficient interpretation of data
  • The EHSI/EADI version uses dual I/O, stroker and power supplies for maximum display capability and redundant display of critical attitude
  • A cross comparator system between the pilot’s and co-pilot’s displays and continuous
  • diagnostic testing which identifies sensor failures and flags the displays
  • Reversionary modes in the event of the failure of one of the displays to allow operation of the system to continue
  • Advanced maintenance displays to enhance checkout and troubleshooting
WEIGHT: 0.97 lbs. (0.44 kg.) nominal TEMPERATURE RANGE: -40° C to +55° C
ALTITUDE:: 55,000 ft. max. POWER REQUIREMENTS: +7 ± 0.2 Vdc @ 0.040 amps max. supplied by the symbol generator, +27.5 ± 0.5 Vdc @ 0.75 amps continuous, 0.85 amp surge
Height: (Front Panel): 1.87 in. (4.75 cm.) nominal Width: (Front Panel): 5.74 in. (14.58 cm.) nominal
LENGTH: 3.312 in. (8.412 cm.) nominal TSO COMPLIANCE: TSO C113, SAE AS-8034, RTCA DO-160B
Part Number: Description:
071-01439-5100 MFD Control Panel, 5 Vdc, 28 Vdc, or 5 Vac Lighting Bus


- EFIS Control
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