Picture of product PA3100-(11) Mod 4

Part #: 0597.686-921

Model: PA3100-(11) Mod 4


Becker Avionics


Public Address Amplifier

Part Number :

Becker Logo



  • The PA3100 Public Address Amplifier is part of the DVCS6100 Digital Voice Control System
  • Designed as a mono-block device 
  • Passenger address from cockpit
  • Priority for passenger in descending order (pilot/copilot, flight observer, handset)
  • Passenger address from cabin
  • Cockpit call by activation “cockpit call”
  • Muting of stereo entertainment input during amplifier override
  • 8 power amplifier, each with 15 W into 4 Ω (4 stereo channel)
  • Call signal activation and music entertainment
  • Single-tone “high” and “low”
  • Two tone “high-low”
  • Call signal for “fasten seatbelts”, “no smoking”
  • 8 mono or 4 stereo amplifier outputs and double tone/chime sounds 
  • Maintenance-free




Part Number: Description:
0597.686-921 Public Address Amplifier













- Public Address Amplifier
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