SEA Completes King Air B200 G1000 NXi Upgrade |
SEA recently completed the Garmin G1000 NXi installation on a King Air B200. Going from the older generation EFIS & mechanical instruments to the G1000 NXi brings so much capability to this cockpit! The G1000 NXi adds new EFIS and engine instrumentation displays with integrated autopilot, navigation, communication, audio distribution, and more. This particular installation included integration with an existing TCAS II system, allowing the customer to keep an expensive past upgrade to the aircraft.
SEA offers in-house wire harness construction, backlit overlay refinishing, and component level overhaul of avionics equipment. This means the whole upgrade is completed at our facility! Contact Luke Gomoll / 321-255-9877 to see how we can upgrade your aircraft!
SEA's ADS-B Wrap up! Blog post by Luke Gomoll |
as L3Harris Lynx product offering. A transponder replacement, 1090ES ADS-B Out compliance, ADS-B In capability, optional active traffic and TAWS-B, and dual touchscreen displays. Garmin hit it out of the park with experimental to Part 25 solutions that had the ability to mix and match and provide enhanced safety. Who would have thought of the roads to ADS-B a decade ago!
As we reflect, it’s good to remember the hurdles we had to overcome. Continue Reading >>
Meet SEA at AEA 2020 in Nashville, TN! |
Will you be attending AEA 2020 in Nashville? Stop by SEA booth #522 and enter to win a new Garmin D2 Delta Watch!
Be sure to add us to your show schedule! Would you like to set up a meeting? Email SEA for more information.
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