SEA Developing STCs to Upgrade Hawker 800 EFIS |
Upgrade Hawker 800 Series Aircraft with InSight Integrated Flight Deck & Datacom |
Southeast Aerospace is excited to announce a new upgrade that will soon be available for the Hawker 800 series aircraft via STC. SEA has partnered with Universal Avionics to offer the latest EFIS technology – the InSight Integrated Flight Deck. The InSight upgrade will also include optional full datacom capability to meet requirements for FANS 1/A and CPDLC. The Mid-Continent MD 302 SAM (Electronic Standby Instrument) is included as a replacement for the existing standby instruments or older ESI.
The Hawker 800 series aircraft went into production in the early 1980s and went out of production in the 2010s. During that span of time, 4 major avionics flight deck variations were incorporated into their builds depending on model number, but there have been little to no significant and reasonable upgrade paths for more modern avionics on these aircraft since. SEA’s new program will provide an upgrade path for three of the four existing flight deck variants. The two new STCs will allow Hawker 800A, 800B, and 800XP aircraft with existing Collins EFIS 85/86, FCS-80 and APS-85 autopilots as well as the Honeywell SPZ-8000 avionics to be upgraded to the new Universal InSight Integrated Flight Deck.
SEA is currently in work on the new STC that will encompass the Hawker 800A, 800B, and 800XP aircraft that have the Collins EFIS 85/86, FCS-80 or APS-85 autopilots. Completion of this STC is expected by Q2, 2022. A second STC is being developed to provide an upgrade path to Universal InSight for the Honeywell SPZ-8000 equipped Hawkers. SEA is currently looking for a Hawker 800 with the SPZ flight deck to be used as the STC certification first of type for this second STC.
“Part of 9 Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) in work or already available for installation, this H800 STC from Southeast Aerospace offers an additional proof of the flexibility afforded by the InSight™ Display System”, says Marc Bouliane, Vice President Business Development, Marketing & Services at Universal Avionics. “By upgrading with InSight, the flight crew can now take advantage of an intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI) with synthetic vision and advanced mapping capabilities, embedded electronic charts, radio control, and more. It increases pilot Situational Awareness, reduces workload by offering a tight integration with Universal’s FMS and UniLink data communication for CPDLC, and enables advanced maintenance capabilities with its unique remote diagnostic capability.”
For more information please visit https://www.seaerospace.com/air-mods/Hawker-EFIS-STC or contact Aircraft Modification Representative, Luke Gomoll, luke.gomoll@seaerospace.com.
Cost-Effective GI275 IVSI & ESI Replacement |
For Part 25 Aircraft - STC Pending Q2 2022 |
Southeast Aerospace has partnered with Garmin International, Inc. to develop a cost-effective solution to replace instantaneous vertical speed indicators (IVSI) and electronic standby instrument (ESI) units in Part 25 aircraft by utilizing Garmin’s GI 275 Electronic Flight Instrument. Lightweight and compact, the GI 275 is intentionally designed to take advantage of the common 3.125-inch flight instrument size, reducing installation time and preserving the existing aircraft panel. The GI 275 is available in both an IVSI and ESI version. |
Two separate Approved Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) are in development by Southeast Aerospace. The IVSI AML STC was created to provide a cost-effective alternative to repairing or replacing the estimated 6000 Honeywell IVA-81A/D units currently installed in Part 25 aircraft. The IVA-81A/D units are becoming obsolete with high repair costs and increasingly lower reliability. The GI 275 offers the opportunity to upgrade to a lighter, brighter, current production unit with future upgrade options and continued support. An adapter plate and pre-built harness will also be available to provide quick-turn, in-the-field upgrades for AOG situations.
The ESI AML STC was created to offer a much lower-cost option to replace pre-existing, obsolete, higher-cost ESI and Electromechanical Standby Instruments with Garmin’s current production GI 275 configured as an ESI. The GI 275 is set up as an ADI to include airspeed and altimeter with optional heading display and optional synthetic vision display available. This new STC along with PMA kits are being designed to allow the SEA approved Garmin dealer to install the GI 275 ESI on any aircraft on the AML.
“We’re thrilled to work with Southeast Aerospace on this STC which will provide the GI 275 IVSI and ESI replacement for a variety of Part 25 aircraft,” said Carl Wolf, Garmin vice president, aviation sales and marketing. “The GI 275 upgrade will offer operators a modern and cost-effective replacement solution to avoid the high repair costs and ongoing obsolescence associated with legacy IVSI and standby systems on these aircraft.”
Luke Gomoll, Aircraft Modifications Sales Representative, stated, “Replacing only the equipment that face obsolescence, not entire systems (such as a TCAS II system) will allow these aircraft to operate safely, more frequently, and for less expense over time – long into the future. As an ESI, the Garmin GI 275 will bring incredible new features to the cockpit, only dreamed about just a few years ago.”
North American TF-51 Major Avionics Upgrade |
Southeast Aerospace, Inc. recently completed a major avionics upgrade on a North American TF-51. The TF-51 being one of the few popular P-51 family aircraft that are configured with a dual tandem cockpit, SEA brought modernization to both instrument panels! The upgrade consisted of the installation of the Garmin GTN 750XI and GTN 650Xi GPS/NAV/COM/MFD units, 4 new GI 275s configured as ADIs and HSIs in the front and aft cockpits, the GMA 350c audio panel, and the GTX 345R ADS-B transponder.
For this upgrade 2 new custom instrument panels, accessory panels, and circuit breakers panels were designed, fabricated, and finished in-house by SEA. The existing Genesys Aerosystems System 65 autopilot was completely rewired, repaired, and upgraded to allow new features utilizing the newly installed Garmin equipment. Flight director display, GPSS roll steering and more features were added during this upgrade.
With a deadline of the EAA 2021 Air Venture show, SEA delivered the completed aircraft with time to spare. This aircraft performed a solo demo for Air Venture on Tuesday, July 27th! Also, check out our short test flight video on social media.
SEA utilized existing STCs along with in-house engineering and FAA Field Approval for the design and certification of this project.
For more information regarding SEA aircraft modification solutions please contact Luke Gomoll, luke.gomoll@seaerospace.com.
SEA Receives STC for Cessna 206 Sensor Mount |
Southeast Aerospace is pleased to announce receipt of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) number SA01055DE for the installation of their sensor mount in the Cessna 206.
Designed by Southeast Aerospace for the Cessna 206 aircraft, the sensor mount simplifies installation, which can be completed in less than one day with no changes or limitations to normal flight operations for payloads up to 70 lbs. The precision machined sensor mount allows for payloads such as the Wescam MX-10 or FLIR 380HDc EO/IR to mount on the left side of the aircraft. The side-mount sensor is outside of the exhaust, with the optics just below the bottom of the aircraft for unobstructed views.
Southeast Aerospace's mission capable T206H was used for prototype installation and testing. The camera mount is currently being installed on a fleet of new aircraft for an ongoing prime contract with the US Government.
"We are pleased to offer this sensor mount to the Special Mission community as one of several new SEA products to be released over the next year," stated John Braddock, President, "Once we identified the need for this item, our extensive experience with custom manufacturing and installation for the aerospace industry allowed us the opportunity to design and manufacture a high quality, cost-effective sensor mount option for the Cessna 206."
For further information please contact Business Development/Sales Manager Nathan Hernandez, nathan.hernandez@seaerospace.com.
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AEA East Connect Conference in Orlando |
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Local News: Melbourne Orlando Intl Airport (MLB) Begins Construction on Expansion - Welcome Center and Airport Hotel |
MELBOURNE, Fla. (October 5, 2021) – Officials gathered this morning at Melbourne Orlando International Airport (MLB) for the ceremonial groundbreaking of a 143-room Hyatt Place hotel scheduled to open in 2022. The hotel is a key component of the airport’s historic growth and is being developed by ADËLON Capital, headquartered in Hollywood, Florida, and constructed by Certified General Contractors of Melbourne, Florida. Continue Reading >>
(October 14, 2021) - A new Welcome Center has begun construction! The new facility is adjacent to our rental car area, and once complete, it will increase the capacity of our rental car operations, add new bathroom accommodations, and create more space to make the arrival process better for our passengers. Continue Reading >>
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