No image available for PS-850B

Part #: 501-1719-02

Model: PS-850B


Extant Aerospace

Part Number :
PLEASE NOTE: If you need additional information about a product on our website, please use the RFQ function or e-mail us for an immediate response.

- Power Supply, 5.0 AMP
Price Condition Status

Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

According to L3 Service Letter SL-170 (Rev. K), the condition of the batteries is required to be checked every 3 to 6 months according to the Periodic Check procedure outlined in the bulletin. The Periodic Check procedure is similar to the "Preflight Check" that is recommended before aircraft flight.

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On December 21, 2022, L3Harris released a Service Information Letter indicating the transfer of production, service, publications, Intellectual Property (IP) to Extant Aerospace for the following models:


PS-823 series

PS-834 series

PS-835 series

PS-850 series

PS-855 series








The transfer of technical manuals, service literature, production, and service to Extant Aerospace was effective April 06, 2023. This includes spares and piece part sales.