Part #: 066-01148-0102

Model: KLN-89B






IFR GPS Receiver

Part Number :
Bendix King logo




  • Panel-mount IFR GPS capable of performing non-precision GPS approaches
  • Easy-to-read map display
  • Comprehensive Jeppesen database with SID and STAR waypoints
  • Eight-channel parallel GPS receiver
  • "Direct-To" feature for easy navigation
  • Altitude input for increased accuracy
  • Can be interfaced to external CDI or HSI, RMI, some Shadin or ARNAV fuel management systems, several external moving map displays, and certain Shadin air data systems
  • Front-loading database card available in four options - Americas North covering USA, Canada, Latin America; Americas South covering USA, Latin America, South America; Atlantic International and Pacific Intl. database
  • Database can store up to 500 user-defined waypoints along with user comments for up to 200 airports
  • Operates on any voltage 11-33Vdc
  • Upgrade available to improve KLN-89 units to KLN-89B status
  • Upgrading available to improve GPS performance for B-RNAV complinace for Europe
  • Can be used with the following active GPS antennas: KA-91 (no longer in production), KA-92, or KA-96 - note that antenna must be TSO'd

Additional Information: Click Here for Pilot's Guide



Dimensions: 6.31"W x 2.00"H x 10.72"L Weight: 2.55 lbs.
Temperature Range: -40 to +55C TSO: C129 Class A1
Altitude: Up to 35,000 ft. Power Inputs: 11 to 33 VDC at 2.5A max
Part Number: Description:
066-01148-0101 Basic model without BRNAV
066-01148-0102 Basic model with BRNAV


Serial # MX5941
Condition SV
Mods None
Tag Date 07/09/24
Shop Southeast Aerospace Inc.
Warranty 6 Months
- IFR GPS Receiver

NSN: 5826-01-597-7460

Price Condition Status
- IFR GPS Receiver

NSN: 5826-01-597-7461

Price Condition Status

Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have a question about this model that is not answered below, please contact

In relation to NE (New) parts, many OEMs change their prices and availability without any notice to dealers or the industry. Therefore, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication, we ask that customers contact us for the most accurate price and availability.

In relation to SV & OH parts, the used parts aftermarket in the aviation industry is not an infinite supply. It is a dynamic, constantly changing market that is significantly affected by and susceptible to highs and lows in supply and demand. Therefore, although we attempt to, at times, we are unable to predict the exact moment when an item may be available. Once again, through the REQUEST or RFQ indication on our website, we ask that customers contact us for the most current and accurate price and availability.

No, the KLN-89B does not provide the necessary output for GPSS.
Click here to view a document containing the different database coverage areas.
No, the only Bendix/King GPS compatible with the S-Tec GPSS converter is the KLN-90B. The KLN-90B must have the latest software installed.

In most cases, Honeywell offers two options for GPS database updates: - Card/cartridge replacement - Computer download

Users can order a subscription and have a database card/cartridge delivered to a given address every 28 days. If an update is not required as frequently, users can simply order a database card or cartridge direct from Honeywell Wingman Services. Click Hereto go to the Wingman website.

The GPS database Internet download option is available for most receivers. The update is downloaded to a laptop computer. The laptop is then interfaced to the GPS inside the aircraft via the PC interface kit (P/N 050-03213-0000). Certain GPS receiver software as well as laptop performance requirements must be met in order to properly utilize Internet downloading and the computer interface. Please view the following document for complete instructions on computer updating. GPS_download.pdf

Please Note: The KLN-35A and KLX-135A GPS units can only be updated via computer as they do not have externally accessible databases.

Many avionics systems require a configuration or setup process. This process is required to interface certain avionics systems to other systems in the aircraft that will be inputting or outputting information to and from these systems. Some examples of systems that require a configuration or setup process include:


In addition, most newer technology or solid state systems require configuration via computer interface of some type. A qualified avionics technician should always refer to the appropriate manufacturer's installation manual for complete information and instructions.
The KLN-94 is a direct replacement for the KLN-89B with no wiring or mounting changes needed. The KLN-94 uses a different database as well.

The KLN-94 has internal annunciators. Remote annunciators are only required if the KLN-94 (and its internal annunciators) are not in the pilot's field of view per the Flight Manual. If the existing KLN-89B was Approach certified, then the existing annunciators from that installation can be utilized.

Some setup and configuration is required when the KLN-89B is replaced with the KLN-94. This is all contained in the KLN-94 installation manual. In addition, the installer of the KLN-94 should verify that all other details related to IFR certification were complied with during the installation of the KLN-89B.

Lastly, a KLN-94 flight manual supplement must be created, FAA approved, and inserted in the pilot's operating handbook.
A normal Annunciator Control Unit (ACU) includes a control and relay assembly. The control portion includes lighted annunciations (words) as well as a switch assembly to activate a relay. The relay assembly provides the electrical transfer of information between a conventional nav (VOR/ILS/GS) and GPS to one Course Deviation Indicator (CDI).

The ACU units can be complete with control and relay built into one assembly or they can be separated depending on the part number. Some GPS systems and CDIs include internal relays. Therefore, only a control with switch is required. In this case, you would only purchase the Control Head. Some installations use different custom sizes and styles of annunciator switches. Therefore, in this case, only a remote relay is purchased without a control assembly.

In addition to variations in switches, relays, and sizes, ACUs are engineered to be compatible with specific GPS systems by different manufacturers. Variations in power input and bezel orientation are available as well.
For IFR GPS approach certification, GPS status annunciations are required to be in the pilot's field of view. These annunciations (or lights) indicate active switches such as the NAV/GPS and OBS (if applicable) modes. Other annunciations or alerts might include the following:

TERM - light that will signal pilot when operating within 30 miles of departure or arrival airport (i.e. Terminal area)
APR - light that signals pilot when the GPS is engaged in Approach mode
MSG - light that signals pilot that the GPS has generated a Message alert that should be viewed on the GPS
WPT - light that signals pilot that the GPS has generated a Waypoint alert that should be viewed on the GPS
INTG - light that will signal pilot when the GPS receiver detects a position error or is unable to calculate the Integrity of the position

Some annunciator units and annunciator control units or ACUs have a variety a these switches and annunciators depending on the GPS system to be interfaced with or the aircraft installation. However, there are certain annunciations such as MSG and WPT that are standard for all annunciators required.

No. The two cartridges are physically different in dimensions and will not fit into the same slot. Another difference is the number of pins; the KLN-89 cartridge has a 40-pin connector, while the KLN-94 cartridge has a 50-pin connector. Notice the comparison pictures below.

Negotiating the exchange price of a unit only limits the allowable repair cap for the core unit. Southeast Aerospace's exchange transactions are based on the return of economically repairable core unit. Once the core is received and evaluated, the core repair cost incurred by SEA cannot exceed 75% of the original exchange price. That is, it cannot cost SEA more than 75% of the original OH/SV exchange price collected from the customer. Therefore, when and if an SEA exchange price is discounted, there is a risk that additional charges may be assessed once the core is returned and evaluated.

As of October 2010, Honeywell does not have any plans to incorporate WAAS into these units. No further details are available.

However, Honeywell is manufacturing WAAS sensors for their APEX GPS series. This series DOES NOT include any of the following: KLN-89B, KLN-90B, KLN-94, KLN-900 or GNS-XLS.

While the KLN-89 and KLN-89B use the same rack, connector plate, and mating connectors, the features, functions, and subsequent installation certification need to be taken into consideration.

The KLN-89 is for VFR navigation while the KLN-89B provides VFR, IFR enroute, and IFR non-precision approach functions. For complete IFR certification, CDI and annunciators must be interfaced to the KLN-89B along with a 28 day database subscription. This is not required for the KLN-89.

For more information on IFR GPS certification and approval, please see this important FAQ here.

See this PDF document for a detailed listing of currently available IFR GPS systems and a brief comparison.