Meet Our Team: Laurie Burgess,
Service & Repair Administrative Assistant

Tell us what you do here at SEA.
I am a Repair Shop Administrator in the MRO department. I am primarily responsible for the administration of the customer repairs for which we have repair capabilities. I enjoy assisting and interacting with our customers concerning their avionic requirements.
How long have you worked here? Tell us a little bit about the experience.
I have been working at SEA since April 2010 and really enjoy communicating and interacting with our customers each day. I had never worked this closely around aircraft and avionic equipment before. I used to work for Lockheed Aeronautical Systems - F-22 program, but in a different capacity. Who knew I would have memorized part numbers for the KI-256 or ART-2000, etc?
What do you like about working at SEA?
I really like the department in which I work. My coworkers are wonderfully kind, down-to-earth, and funny people.
Do you have any special memories or funny stories of working here?
It is quite special to get to see the amazing aircraft that fly in for the various air shows that are held at the Melbourne Int’l Airport. I just have to say that I work in a very supportive environment with some super cool people.
What do you like to do outside of the office?
I like gardening, going to soccer games, and working with my kids in their various areas of interest: car enthusiast/mechanic, soccer, and all things musical. I also like taking our Yellow Labrador to the beach and for long walks.
Do you have a favorite quote or role model?
“Don’t sweat the small stuff. And remember, it’s all small stuff.” ( My dad sent this to me on a small slip of paper when I was in college a long time ago.) My mom is my role model. She is an amazing and inspiring person.
Consignment Opportunities:
Get the Most Money for Your Inventory

What we offer:
- Free Inventory Analysis
- Free Evaluations for Consignment Items
- Actively Sell your parts to an Established Customer Base
- Our fee is 25% of the profit margin (other companies 30-50%)
- Payment for consigned part sales sent on a monthly basis
- Exclusive access to SEA's pricing website where you can verify our sell prices
- We are responsible for all administrative tasks, including: sales, marketing, shipping & accounting
- Focused, targeted sales approach = we will only have you send what we can sell ASAP
Other consignment companies just want to add your inventory to theirs - SEA will work to sell your inventory immediately!
Contact Bill Flynn with purchasing today to learn more!
T: 321.255.9608
E: Bill.Flynn@seaerospace.com
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Do you know what you need to comply with the mandate?
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Simply submit your ADS-B question through this linkor send an e-mail directly to ADSB@seaerospace.com and let our experts sort it out for you.
> Featured Inventory

ELT 345
Competitively priced,
high quality ELT
P/N: 8102
Includes install kit, antenna and remote switch
Contact Us for Special
Introductory Pricing

Ideal Mechanical
Gyro Replacement
$4,500 - SV
$3,950 - NE
$3,250 - SV

Now is the time to upgrade!
Up to 20% savings!
ART-2000 Upgrade
$13,750 - New System Price
$10,950 - OH System Price*
ART-2100 Upgrade
$16,450 - New System Price
$11,500 - OH System Price*
*OH Systems include a SV Antenna
> Looking to Purchase
Daily Updated SEA
Procurement Needs
SEA is always looking to purchase avionics equipment. You can find a High Priority, IMMEDIATE Purchasing Needs List on our Avionics Sales website. It is updated every day to fulfill our current sales needs.
SEE The List Here >>
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