February 2017


Rotorcraft Pro: Executive Watch
Joe Braddock




Rotorcraft Pro recently did a feature article in their Executive Watch column on our Executive Vice President Joe Braddock. It is located in their Jan/Feb 2017 issue. Make sure to follow the link below to read this great article. http://content.yudu.com/web/1umli/0A1umlm/RotorcraftJanFeb17/html/index.html?page=16




We're pleased to announce that Southeast Aerospace has received the FAA's Gold Award of Excellence. The Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMT) awards program was developed by the FAA to encourage technicians and employers to receive or promote initial and recurring maintenance training. The FAA recognizes these technicians and employers by issuing awards for receiving, promoting and fostering training. Our participation in the AMT award program demonstrates our commitment to the advancement of aviation safety through promotion of maintenance training for our employees.



SEA Website Additions & Enhancements




The new SEA website,https://www.seaerospace.com/, was introduced earlier in 2016 and included a new site for SEA Component Sales and MRO Services. As we use the website, and receive customer feedback, we continue to make additions and user-friendly enhancements.
We are pleased to announce that 2 new, customer-focused features have been added: a Clearance Item List and the Component Sales site is now searchable by National Stock Number (NSN).

The Clearance List link is located directly under the Search Parts Inventory box on the Component Sales site, which provides a complete list of our currently available, clearance inventory. This list contains overstocked, ready to move inventory identified for quick sale.
We are accepting all reasonable offers on this clearance inventory.





Product Announcement Garmin G5


. The EASA has approved the Garmin G5 electronic flight
instrument for installation in select certified fixed-wing general aviation aircraft in Europe. For more information on this exciting announcement about the G5, please visit: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/blog/aviation/

For product pricing and availability visit SEA's Garmin G5 product page. Also for a brief run-through of the G5 check out this product video on SEA's YouTube channel.

ADS-B Special Offers




>> Click Here to Find a full listing of SEA's Special Offers


Southeast Aerospace
February Service Anniversaries



Michael Holland - 9 years (2/25/17)

Upcoming Events








Southeast Aerospace - 1399 General Aviation Dr - Orlando MLB Intl Airport - Melbourne, FL 32935

T: 321-255-9877 - F: 321-255-9608 - E: sales@seaerospace.com - W: www.SEAerospace.com